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Women's Conference 2024
"Woven in Him"

We excited to announce that this years Women's Conference will be held at FBC on


Friday November 1st and Saturday November 2nd.


Special Guest Speaker :  Liz .....
Event Cost :  $xx
Event Registration:
We ask that you pre-register for the conference by completing the a simple form.  Please click on the the below. 
Conference Cost Payment Options:
1) Mail or Drop-off payment towards the costs of the event or at the main office.
     Alternately, you can drop payment in an offering plate during a Sunday Service.
  •      Please write: "Women's Conference" in the memo field if using a check is your preference.
  •      Please include a note, to help identify you are, or who you are submitting a payment for. 

2) Online Payment:  We accept online payments through CDM+ Engage.
  •        Please select the "Women's Conference" when making the online payment. 
  •        You can make a payment as a "guest" or create an account.
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