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The Humility That Unites (Philippians 2:1-11)

Philippians 2:1–11 - 1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. 3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 


What does today’s passage say?

In today's passage, Paul first calls on the Philippians to lay aside selfish attitudes and make unity in Christ's love a priority. He wants them to adopt humility that esteems others above themselves, seeking to meet one another's needs (vv. 1-4). Then Paul spotlights Jesus' stunning example of this humility in action - Though possessing the glory of deity, Christ surrendered His rights and took on lowly human form, even accepting death on a cross to secure our rescue (vv. 5-8)! Why? To lift us up from condemnation into salvation. Therefore, God has now highly honored Christ's name above all others. One day every knee - whether rebellious or receptive - will bow at the great name of Jesus as Lord, all bringing final glory to the Father (vv. 9-11).


How can I apply Philippians 2:1-11 to my life?

This passage holds essential principles for how Christians should live. Though possessing divine glory, Jesus willingly became a man to die on the cross for our salvation. His stunning act of humility serves as the pattern we are called to follow. As believers united in Christ, we must lay aside selfish pride that destroys unity. Instead, we must reflect our Savior's humble mindset in how we view and serve others. When disunity threatens, we find the solution here - fixing our eyes on Christ who gave up His rights for us. As we embrace His humility, it transforms us into selfless servants who build harmony in the body of Christ. We also join the heavenly chorus in exalting the name of Jesus, who sacrificed everything to meet humanity's greatest need. Here are some vital principles from this passage that we must apply:

1.    Walk in Unity and Humility by Considering Others as More Important than Yourself (vv. 1-4): The passage calls every believer to unity - sharing the same selfless mindset that flows from Christ's love. This oneness stems from our equal status in God's family. Though diverse members, we form one body. Therefore, laying aside selfish pride, we must view each fellow Christian as worthy of honor, considering their needs and interests as significant. Practically, this means listening before speaking, overlooking petty offenses, and looking out for small ways to defer and lift up others. When jealousy, complaints, or strife happen, we fight disunity by remembering Jesus' example. Our Lord humbly took on the role of a servant who elevated lowly sinners before His own rights. As we reflect His humility, unity grows. We can only walk in true unity and harmony when we each count one another as more significant and put their interests first just as our Lord did for us. Practically speaking, this means being quick to listen, slow to speak, and looking out for ways - both big and small - that we can defer to and uplift our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us reflect Christ’s humility daily by our words and actions in order to nurture unity within the body. As we do, the love and purposes of God will flow unhindered among us to His glory (Romans 12:10, Romans 12:16, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

Food for Thought:  What specific habits or mindsets currently tempt you toward selfishness or disunity? How will you fight them? What can you proactively say or do this week to demonstrate Christlike humility toward another believer?

2.    Imitate Christ's Humble Servant-Hearted Example by Not Clinging to Your Rights or Status (vv. 5-8): In a powerful example of selfless humility, Jesus relinquished His supreme rights and status to take on the lowly form of a slave. Though possessing the glorious nature of God, He willingly set aside privilege, power and honor to become obedient unto death - even unto dying on a cruel cross. He gave up any claim to earthly status or rights in order to carry out His mission of salvation. As followers of Christ, we too must adopt this same mindset of humble servitude toward others that does not cling to rights, rank or reputation. This means we regularly set aside personal rights and refuse to pull rank when it could lift us up or benefit us at another’s expense. We release our grip on positions, titles and special honors so we can take up the towel and basin of the servant who looks to meet pressing needs. We follow our Master’s example and say no to anything that hinders loving, self-giving service. Our mission is advancing God’s kingdom, not our own. Therefore, clinging to status symbols, demands, or privileges that boost us above others has no place. We need to let Christ’s humility shape us into selfless servants focused only on lifting up those around us (Mark 10:45, John 13:1-17, Philippians 2:19-21).

Food for Thought: What tendency to cling to "rights" or status tempts you most? How will you combat it? What active steps can you take this week to serve others in humility like Christ?

3.    Worship and Exalt the Self-Sacrificing Christ Who Willingly Took on the Form and Mission of a Servant (vv. 9-11): Because Jesus so humbly served us even unto death, God highly exalted His name above all others - bestowing the supreme name and worship due Him alone so every tongue will someday honor Christ as Lord. We too must exalt the name of Jesus in our own lives today. He willingly laid aside glory to take the form of a despised slave on our behalf. We should praise and proclaim our glorious Savior who died bearing our sins! Let us exalt Christ by giving Him first place in everything - our words, choices, finances, talents, and time. His interests and Kingdom should come before our own. We must also boast frequently among unbelievers of His great love and sacrifice that achieved eternal salvation for all who receive His free gift by faith. And by God’s grace, we too can follow Jesus’ humble servitude that placed others ahead of Himself. As we exalt Christ’s name, we proclaim the only hope for our world. May unbelievers be drawn to bend their knee to the loving Lord who gave His all to meet their greatest need (John 12:32, Acts 4:12, Revelation 5:9-14).

Food for Thought: What robs Christ of first place in your life? How will you exalt Him more? Who can you share with this week about Christ’s loving sacrifice for them?

Paul calls every Christian to walk in the humility and unity that comes from reflecting Christ. Though Jesus deserved all rights and honor as God, He released them for our salvation. Therefore, we must adopt the same selfless attitude, not clinging to personal rights or status. As we serve one another in genuine humility, we shine forth the character of Christ and advance His redemptive work. May the amazing example of our Savior transform each of us into vessels that bring glory to God by serving others over self.



Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that You would cultivate the mind of Christ in me more each day. Uproot every selfish tendency and help me view others in humility as more significant than myself. Empower me to truly lay down personal rights and refuse to pull rank just to elevate my status or get my own way. Fill me with Your love so that I serve my brothers and sisters from a heart of compassion like my Lord. Make me an instrument that builds unity and harmony within Your body. Remind me often of His profound servitude in which He sacrificed His own glory to meet my need.

I pray these things in the most precious name of Jesus, Amen.


Philippians 2:5 – “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”



With His Blessings,

Pastor Corby

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