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  Sunday School provided for all ages from Nursery through Grade 5

  • Nursery

For children newborn to 2 years of age. Pagers are available for parents to know if they are needed for their children's care.


  • Kindergarten

For children 3 years old through kindergarten age - a more structured time that begins the process of learning and applying God's Word.


  • Grades 1-5

Teachers for individual grades spend time teaching God's Word, helping in Bible memorization and Bible knowledge.


Each year the Children's Choir blesses us with presentations at Christmas and Mother's Day.  The choir prepares and practices for these exciting events on Sunday Evenings in the months of September through May

  • Children in grades K-6

Sunday Evenings 6-7:15pm.   (September -  May)



There is Sunday School provided for Junior High and Senior High

  • Junior High Department

Grades 6-8 - Learning to apply spiritual principles to everyday life.


  • Senior High Department

Grades 9-12 - Teachers discuss the purpose of God's Word in the world today. Current issues that teens deal with are related to the absolutes of God's Word.



What is an Adult Bible Fellowship?

It is a group of adults that share a similar age or stage of life and have a desire to know God's Word better and be able to apply it to their lives.

These adult Sunday School classes serve as the primary means of care-giving within our congregation. They provide a means for developing spiritual and personal relationships with others.


  • Young Adults

College students and young professionals, singles and marrieds with no kids. Young adults with a desire to make their faith their own.


  • Ambassador Class

Singles and families with no children and/or families with children of pre-school through middle school age. Young couples and singles with a desire to make God's Word real in everyday life.


  • Progressive Class
    Couples and Singles with children in middle school, high school and college. Families seeking to build and maintain a Christ-centered home.


This nine-week Bible Study is offered several times through the year. Spiritual Growth is essential if you are to experience the wonderful plan God has for your life! The class covers the following subjects plus more:


  • Examine what the Bible says about growing in a relationship with Christ.

  • Learn how to apply the Bible to everyday life.

  • Learn how to live a victorious Christian life.

We would love to have you attend this class and I am confident that the content of this class can have a significant impact on your spiritual life. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, I believe that you could benefit from this class.


For over ten years, members of our church, newcomers and visitors have been blessed by the Godly truths that they have learned from attending this class. You do not have to be a member of our church or even consider joining our church to attend. We simply want to help you grow in your understanding of, and your walk with God.


We start a new class 2 to 3 times per year and it runs for nine consecutive Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 am.


Membership and Baptism Information Class


This class is five sessions. It is an information class and there is no obligation to join the church if you attend. It is designed to help understand the working of our fellowship and the commandments that the Lord has for the church today. This class is offered several times a year.

Please note that the Practical Christian Living Class is a pre-requisite for this class.

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